NEW DELHI: Six of Delhi?'s seven MPs made their first impression in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday during a discussion on the state budget. While Pravesh Verma and Ramesh Bidhuri made forceful speeches in their first attempt in the house rebutting allegations from the opposition, Meenakshi Lekhi made a slew of suggestions in a speech that ran for almost half hour.
Udit Raj restricted himself to raising issues in his constituency even as Maheish Girri invoked culture and spirituality. Manoj Tiwari, under attack from TMC?s Saugata Roy for being absent from his constituency, took refuge in couplets to heap praise on finance minister Arun Jaitley?s budget.
The discussion on Delhi budget was initiated by Congress leader Deepender Singh Hooda who said since his party lost power, the problems of citizens had multiplied. Hooda?s allegations were quickly rebutted by New Delhi MP Meenakshi Lekhi who said the previous government did not spend enough funds for infrastructure in Delhi.
West Delhi MP Pravesh Verma made the maximum impact with his speech which was full of facts and figures. The speech made such impression on Jaitley who later congratulated him. Verma attacked Sonia Gandhi claiming that she had distributed 840 unauthorised colonies provisional certificates but none had been regularised.
East Delhi MP Maheish Girri took refuge in illustrious history of the nation and criticised the previous government for its policies which had produced more number of mentally ill patients than was the capacity at Asha Kiran.
Udit Raj raised issues such as lack of Metro rail connectivity and water availability in his North West Delhi constituency. North East Delhi MP Manoj Tiwari, who came under attack from Saugata Roy as the ?Bhojpuri actor who remains absent from his constituency, said he did not understand why the budget was being opposed.
South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri spoke on the lines of Verma but was quintessentially loud. Taking potshots at Congress he said, "New posters have come up where a donkey is perched on the head of a giraffe exclaiming he can't see acchhe din. Acchhe din will never be visible to donkeys."
Udit Raj restricted himself to raising issues in his constituency even as Maheish Girri invoked culture and spirituality. Manoj Tiwari, under attack from TMC?s Saugata Roy for being absent from his constituency, took refuge in couplets to heap praise on finance minister Arun Jaitley?s budget.
The discussion on Delhi budget was initiated by Congress leader Deepender Singh Hooda who said since his party lost power, the problems of citizens had multiplied. Hooda?s allegations were quickly rebutted by New Delhi MP Meenakshi Lekhi who said the previous government did not spend enough funds for infrastructure in Delhi.
West Delhi MP Pravesh Verma made the maximum impact with his speech which was full of facts and figures. The speech made such impression on Jaitley who later congratulated him. Verma attacked Sonia Gandhi claiming that she had distributed 840 unauthorised colonies provisional certificates but none had been regularised.
East Delhi MP Maheish Girri took refuge in illustrious history of the nation and criticised the previous government for its policies which had produced more number of mentally ill patients than was the capacity at Asha Kiran.
Udit Raj raised issues such as lack of Metro rail connectivity and water availability in his North West Delhi constituency. North East Delhi MP Manoj Tiwari, who came under attack from Saugata Roy as the ?Bhojpuri actor who remains absent from his constituency, said he did not understand why the budget was being opposed.
South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri spoke on the lines of Verma but was quintessentially loud. Taking potshots at Congress he said, "New posters have come up where a donkey is perched on the head of a giraffe exclaiming he can't see acchhe din. Acchhe din will never be visible to donkeys."
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